Blogophilia Week 50.15 – Sage Advice

This is Week 50 in Year 15 of Blogophilia! Only three more weeks until we begin YEAR 16!!!!! Time flies when you are having fun. Come join us, one and all!


Advice for the young at heart
Soon we will be older
When we gonna make it work?

Too many people living in a secret world
While they play mothers and fathers
We play little boys and girls
When we gonna make it work?
I could be happy, I could be quite naive
It’s only me and my shadows
Happy in our make believe

And with the hounds at bay
I’ll call your bluff
Hey, ’cause it would be okay
To walk on tiptoes everyday

“Advice For the Young at Heart” by Tears for Fears


The great Stoic Marcus Aurelius once said “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” Do you agree with this sage advice and wisdom from the past? Do you seek, heed or reject sage advice in your life? So much to ponder this week, so get those pens poised and ink ready to flow. Come share your thoughts and writes at Blogophilia!

Last week’s topic was provided by the one and only Dia Jae!! Thank you for your contribution, it was a fun & intriguing one indeed!

Last week’s bonus prompts were provided Jessica Brooke Miller and Dahlia Ramone! Thank you very much for your wonderful contributions! We miss you both and hope you’re doing well!

Last week’s picture was provided by Linda Thurmond!! What a great picture to complement the topic and prompts. We miss you – thanks so much for your contribution!

We just want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our Blogophilian friends for joining in the challenges each week! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! And to former Blogo writers, we sincerely invite ALL of you to return to Blogophilia and write with us again – we miss reading your amazing writes. Remember that it’s never too late to start writing again!!


Week 50.15 Picture

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 50.15 – Sage Advice

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a song title from Johnnie Mathis

Easy Bonus: Run away from home (or include someone running away from home)

Blogs should be submitted on or before Midnight (EST), Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11 EST!! Please TAG Martien Ecrits by including his name within your blog content. In doing so, your blog will show up on his timeline. You may also post your blog link in the comment section below and/or post your blog link on the group Ecrits Blogophilia page.

There are no longer any guesses for the topic, bonus prompts or picture submissions, nor points awarded for any of these. As stated in our relaunch blog, the Blogophilia challenge has eliminated point scoring, tallying, tracking and awarding jackets. We have moved to a kinder, gentler blogging group that is no longer a competition based on points. Instead, we aim to be inclusive, collaborative and encouraging of writers!!

So what are you waiting for? Start Writing!!!


Blogs Ready for Commentary:

Dia Jae

Lika Saliscente-Phipps

Rebecca Grusendorf (Scroll down for blog in comments)

Christine Wichman (scroll down her blog for this week’s continuation)

Colleen Keller Breuning

Christopher Mitchell

Doris Emmett


Click here for Ecrits Blogophilia, and how it works!


About Marvin's Blogophilia

Hosts for a creative writing group Blogophilia.
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8 Responses to Blogophilia Week 50.15 – Sage Advice

  1. Pingback: Blogophilia 50.15: Sage Advice | Likamarie's Blog

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia 50.15: Sage Advice | Likamarie's Blog

  3. Pingback: Sage Advice 50.15 | The Writings of Dia J

  4. rebeccaruth333 says:

    Sage Advice

    “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts…”

    Shall I share with you what I first thought when I read this? “Becks you are such a downer. Why can’t you be more positive and happier in your writes? Must you spew negative stuff at people all the time?”

    My thoughts… are the enemy.

    Many people in my life have told me I’ve changed. They exhibit this by staying distant, by avoiding me, and by showing surprise when I don’t act as they expect me to. Members of my own family have asked “What is wrong with you?” There is actually a very simple answer to this question. I don’t live for the world anymore. What I used to want, I don’t. What I used to believe was important, is no longer important. What I used to think… is irrelevant, because God has changed me.

    The funny thing is, I understand why they look at me as if I’m a stranger. I get it, because I used to be the same way. I meandered through my life doing all the expectant things. I dated, I worked, I ate, I slept, I drank, I had sex, I did a few drugs, I paid my taxes, and I built a home that felt comfy. In other words. I existed and spent all my time trying to explain what my purpose was by every human method I could muster up. Medical knowledge. Scientific understanding. Spiritual awareness and acceptance. Psychology, philosophy, and yes even art. I went so far as to worship the things that God had created so that I could avoid facing God himself. Mother Earth, Spirit Animals, Magic, Mysticism, and a whole list of crystals, totems, and rituals that only led me further and further from the truth. I wanted to get as far away from the Christian life that I was raised in that I dove head long into the world of the Occult.

    My family excused this apparently. They didn’t shun me but asked me questions and wanted to learn more. It was only when I turned back to Christ that they looked at me funny. Odd that isn’t it. Not all of my family did this, but a few that I held in high regard did. God brings out the truth and once it is revealed it is hard to go backwards.

    When I imagine sitting down in a garden, with myself from ten to fifteen years ago, and I try to make these two figures connect… They can’t. So why do I hope that my writing here connects with some of you? Or just you Marvin? I don’t know. I do believe that my gift for writing is from God and your blogs inspire me to write. So, I try to write from my experiences. The fundamental difference is that now… I ask if what I write will glorify God or will it reflect a person who is still a part of the world? That old style calls to me at times, and yet I cannot fall back into it. And this is a fundamental part of my Christian walk. I decide to deny self to serve God. And by doing this, I am fulfilled. Before, I never would have believed it possible because selfishness is a part of living. I must do what I want. Only then will I truly be happy, but I never was. I was ALWAYS missing something.

    Now, ironically, I have nothing the world would approve of in means of success, wealth, or even… dare I say… happiness. Yet I am content and filled with such peace that I am sure I appear dead to some of my family. They are so used to me being a storm of unpredictability, of anger and sassy rhetoric, of selfish ramblings and bullying tactics. It is very hard to explain. Like the prodigal son, I ran away from home. I became the song “When Sunny Gets Blue”. It wasn’t until I returned to that place of rest that I found peace and fulfillment.

    Now, everyday is a gift. Every struggle is a triumph and a proving ground of faith. Every conversation is a chance for me to show how God has blessed my life. And I do it in the hope that one single person might look for God too. I’m not a missionary, I’m not even an evangelist, but I am a witness, and I must tell others what God has done for me.

    My thoughts have nothing to do with it unfortunately. I am wholly flawed and cannot think myself into righteousness, but through Jesus Christ, I am complete and that is where my happiness comes from.

    Thank you for letting me share on your page Marvin. God Bless and Love

    Rebecca R. Grusendorf 6.12.24

    • I love reading about your journey, Rebecca! If one thing is certain, it is that humans and aliens alike do experience change, sometimes as profound as you describe in your own journey. We are ALL flawed, but we are all deserving of happiness and love, no matter what that means to each individual. As long as you are truly content, happy and experiencing inner peace, it matters not what other beings think!

      You are an amazing, talented soul and are always welcome to pour your beautiful ink on our page, and share with fellow Blogophilians. God bless! ❤

      xoxo Marvin

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