Blogophilia Week 49.15 – Psychic

This is Week 49 in Year 15 of Blogophilia! And June is finally here! The year is flying by, and so is our Year 15 in Blogophilia. Four more weeks until we begin YEAR 16!!!!! *BOGGLE*


I went to the fortune teller
Had my fortune read
I didn’t know what to tell her
I had a dizzy feeling in my head

Took a look at my palm
She said, “Son, you feel kind of warm.”
She looked into a crystal ball
She said, “You’re in love.”

How could that be so?
I thought of all the girls I know
She said when the next one arrives
You’ll be looking into her eyes

Left there in a hurry
Looking forward to my big surprise
The next day I discovered
That the fortune teller told me a lie

“Fortune Teller” by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss


Are you a fortune teller or psychic? (NOT psycho, but you can write about that too LOL.) Do you have that gift of intuition, or can you visualize the future? Maybe you’ve engaged the services of a psychic or fortune teller. Inquiring minds want to hear about it. If not, just let your psyche and imagination run free this week! Get those pens poised and ink ready to flow. Come share your thoughts and writes at Blogophilia!

Last week’s topic was provided by the one and only Colleen Keller Breuning! Thank you for your contribution, fitting for Memorial Day!

Last week’s bonus prompts were provided Rebecca Grusendorf and Stormy Gail Dormire! Thank you very much for your wonderful contributions! We miss you both and hope you’re doing well!

Last week’s picture was provided by Christopher Mitchell!! What a great picture to complement the topic and prompts. Thanks so much for your contribution!

We just want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our Blogophilian friends for joining in the challenges each week! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! And to former Blogo writers, we sincerely invite ALL of you to return to Blogophilia and write with us again – we miss reading your amazing writes. Remember that it’s never too late to start writing again!!


Week 49.15 Picture

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 49.15 – Psychic

Hard Bonus: Use a lyric from The Guess Who

Easy Bonus: Incorporate the word nefarious

Blogs should be submitted on or before Midnight (EST), Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 11 EST!! Please TAG Martien Ecrits by including his name within your blog content. In doing so, your blog will show up on his timeline. You may also post your blog link in the comment section below and/or post your blog link on the group Ecrits Blogophilia page.

There are no longer any guesses for the topic, bonus prompts or picture submissions, nor points awarded for any of these. As stated in our relaunch blog, the Blogophilia challenge has eliminated point scoring, tallying, tracking and awarding jackets. We have moved to a kinder, gentler blogging group that is no longer a competition based on points. Instead, we aim to be inclusive, collaborative and encouraging of writers!!

So what are you waiting for? Start Writing!!!


Blogs Ready for Commentary:

Dia Jae

Lika Saliscente-Phipps

Dave Coon aka Nissmech (Post is on Nissmech page, scroll down)

Tyler Myrth

Rebecca Grusendorf (Post is in the comment section, scroll down)

Christopher Mitchell

Christine Wichman

Colleen Keller Breuning


Click here for Ecrits Blogophilia, and how it works!


About Marvin's Blogophilia

Hosts for a creative writing group Blogophilia.
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9 Responses to Blogophilia Week 49.15 – Psychic

  1. Dia J West says:

    Happy Sunday.

  2. Pingback: Psychic: 49.15 | The Writings of Dia J

  3. Pingback: Blogophilia 49.15: Psychic | Likamarie's Blog

  4. likamarie says:

    Mornin’ Martian & fellow blogophiliacs! Another great week in the blogosphere, and I’m up!



  5. rebeccaruth333 says:

    “Well, I never been much for admitting things
    That’s why it’s all so hard to say”

    Star Baby – The Guess Who

    I wasn’t going to write this week. There is something nefarious about a Christian believing in psychics. Not to belittle the point that at one time I did believe in psychic abilities, and at one time I thought I was gifted, though not psychic.

    Then, tonight, I revisited an old favorite film called “Signs” and found inspiration.

    So, let me ask a question in turn… Do you believe in Miracles? The Bible is loaded with them. Only after becoming a Christian, did I truly understand what a miracle is and how God uses them to lead us. When Jesus Christ saved me, my past lay out behind me like a long heavy cloak. At each crossroads, I could now see His (God’s) hand and how he lead me to that saving moment. It is a miracle I am still here, and it is a miracle that He saved me. He had the fore knowledge. He is all-knowing after all. He let me make bad decisions. He let me get hurt. He let me get betrayed, and He allowed me to suffer… because He already knew what would happen.

    For instance, one dark night, when a full moon hung over the Berkshire mountains. I was in a house with a very dangerous person. I knew I was in trouble, but I was arrogant and thought myself in control. I can stop this at any moment, I told myself. Well, I couldn’t stop it, and at a critical moment, the person I was with was interrupted. Interrupted how, you might ask? By the bright light in my car just outside the window and the front door opening all by itself. Instead of continuing his assault on me, the man started accusing me of having someone with me. When I looked out the window at my car, it did look as if a person was sitting in the passenger seat with the dome light turned on. The front door to the enclosed porch was open and so was the porch door. He was furious and paranoid. I was too traumatized to think too much about it. A few days later a psychic told me that a goddess had been looking out for me that night, but I knew deep down it was an angel. One of many angels God has appointed to watch over me. We all have them; we just don’t listen, and we rarely see them. They appear as men in the bible, and I’ve encountered that as well. Usually at a moment when I need some help or a nudge. Out of the blue, a stranger intersects my life and suddenly things change, usually for the better.

    These, Angels, are God’s messengers. We, or I, have no power at all and if I did get some burst of intuition I now know it comes from the Holy Spirit and is not me. To He be all the glory. Great things He has done.

    So now that I’ve preached for an entirely long moment lol… Some may say “she’s crazy.” But, alternatively, I could be talking about spirits from nature, or tarot readers, or mediums, or the universal consciousness. I used to think that the birds outside my window were messengers from the goddess of the earth or from my spirit guides. I sometimes thought that when the Jeep broke down it was the rule of Karma kicking my butt for doing something wrong. I thought that if I just believed hard enough that my mental powers, my intuitive abilities, would fix everything wrong in my life. You see, if I were better then everything would be better.

    I like who I am now, peaceful, content, and full of emotions that fit the moment. Ironically, I had to give up all control and let God work in me. I had nothing to do with it… so do I believe in psychics? No, but I do believe in miracles. I’m living proof that they do happen. Each one of us is. I hope this inspires you Marvin. God Bless and Happy Writing.

    Rebecca R. Grusendorf 6.6.24

    • Amazing write, it seems all things happen for a reason. Life is a mystery though, and sometimes we need to go through things to learn and grow. But it is comforting to believe and know that someone (or something) is guiding and watching over you! KUDOS Dear Earthling ❤

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