Blogophilia Week 48.15 – Garden of Broken Dreams

This is Week 48 in Year 15 of Blogophilia! This Monday is Memorial Day, a day to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in service to the United States! Thank you, and God bless you!


I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don’t know where it goes
But it’s home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I’m the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone

My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart’s the only thing that’s beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
‘Til then I walk alone

“Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day


Welcome to the Garden (or Boulevard) of Broken Dreams! At some point in our lives, everyone has wishes or dreams that don’t get fulfilled. It can be disappointing or heartbreaking. What were they? How did you cope? Did it end up leading to you to a better place?

And on a more serious note, it is Memorial Day, when we celebrate those who gave their lives in service for the United States. Certainly a lot of broken hearts and broken dreams there. Get those pens poised and ink ready to flow. Come share your thoughts and writes at Blogophilia!

Last week’s topic was provided by the one and only Sallon Newlove! We miss you and thank you for your contribution!

Last week’s bonus prompts were provided David Schrader and Dave Coon aka Nissmech! Thank you very much for your wonderful contributions!

Last week’s picture was provided by Lisa Conrad!! Such a lovely picture to complement the topic. Thanks so much for your contribution!

We just want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our Blogophilian friends for joining in the challenges each week! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! And to former Blogo writers, we sincerely invite ALL of you to return to Blogophilia and write with us again – we miss reading your amazing writes. Remember that it’s never too late to start writing again!!


Week 48.15 Picture

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 48.15 – Garden of Broken Dreams

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a Civil War battlefield

Easy Bonus: Mention a tombstone

Blogs should be submitted on or before Midnight (EST), Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 11 EST!! Please TAG Martien Ecrits by including his name within your blog content. In doing so, your blog will show up on his timeline. You may also post your blog link in the comment section below and/or post your blog link on the group Ecrits Blogophilia page.

There are no longer any guesses for the topic, bonus prompts or picture submissions, nor points awarded for any of these. As stated in our relaunch blog, the Blogophilia challenge has eliminated point scoring, tallying, tracking and awarding jackets. We have moved to a kinder, gentler blogging group that is no longer a competition based on points. Instead, we aim to be inclusive, collaborative and encouraging of writers!!

So what are you waiting for? Start Writing!!!


Blogs Ready for Commentary:

Lika Saliscente-Phipps

Dia Jae

Rebecca Grusendorf (post is in current blog comments)

David Schrader (scroll down in comments)

Jay Sole

Lisa Conrad

Colleen Keller Breuning

Christopher Mitchell


Click here for Ecrits Blogophilia, and how it works!


About Marvin's Blogophilia

Hosts for a creative writing group Blogophilia.
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8 Responses to Blogophilia Week 48.15 – Garden of Broken Dreams

  1. Pingback: Garden of Broken Dreams 48.15 | The Writings of Dia J

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia 48.15: Garden of Broken Dreams | Likamarie's Blog

  3. Dia J West says:

    I’ll have to go back and check out last week’s post. I tried a blogging group once, no one followed or did the prompts so I’m probably the wrong person to donate prompts. I always have tons of pictures if you wish to use though.

  4. rebeccaruth333 says:

    Hello Marvin. Hope your summer is off to a good start. Here is a little something I wrote based on your prompts. God Bless and Happy Memorial Day.

    Once Upon A Dream

    Once upon a broken memory

    She wished, she wished, upon a dream

    A princes favor of one glass slipper, turned into a gift of shame

    The water flowed swiftly, from a cursing, raging rain

    When the torrent ended, the flooded land wept over its banks

    She buried her wishes amongst the bones of Fredericksburg

    Erecting a tombstone, reflecting grey, the epitaph says

    ‘Here lay innocence, her curls crushed with crimson rage.”

    Time stands still for no ones woes, so the hourglass trickles slowly

    Death was but the cycles defeat, birth does spring out anew

    So, once upon a broken day,

    She wished, she wished, and finally prayed

    That the Father would end her searing pain

    And take her away from this tormenting place.

    She had cried her last tears, aged on all her aches

    Hated herself so much, that only death could remunerate

    The Father picked her up, her tears soaked through His robe

    He kissed her aching forehead then showed her what He saw…

    A little one so perfect, so pure and golden bright

    She shimmered and beamed in innocence from His eternal light

    “After all your dents, all your pains, and all your deeds deliberate,

    I forgive you with love, reclaiming the daughter that I originally created.”

    Thus, her civil war ended, with a rebirth in the spirit of redemption

    The Father saved her, the Son died for her, and the Spirit filled her with gladness

    Once upon a memory, she wished upon a childhood dream

    She wanted a prince to claim her, but was saved by the eternal King

    Rebecca Ruth Grusendorf 5.26.24

    • Oh my Rebecca!! That is absolutely beautiful – redemption and rebirth can be so powerful! It is so good to read your work. Please keep it up, you write so beautifully and no doubt it is a catharsis for you. Sending Martian hugs and love – and KUDOS, dear Earthling! ❤

      • rebeccaruth333 says:

        Thank you Marvin. I wasn’t going to share this, since it didn’t pertain directly to the Holiday, but after sharing it with someone they encouraged me to post it for you. I’m glad you enjoyed it and am grateful for your kindness. God Bless.

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